Many of us have an idea brewing in our minds, a dream to create change in our community, or an innovative initiative waiting to take off. Sometimes, all we need is a little push, professional assistance, or practical tools to help bring the idea to fruition.
Following numerous inquiries we received regarding Israeli initiatives in small and large communities across Europe, we initiated a collaborative project with the Jewish Agency, Machon kehilot, and the Department for Organization and Relations with Israelis Abroad of the World Zionist Organization and established in 2024. the Accelerator – an incubator for community initiatives.
The Accelerator program helps Israeli social entrepreneurs in Europe turn their dreams and ideas into reality and encourages community initiatives among Israeli communities in Europe. We believe in the power of community to connect, create involvement and mutual responsibility, and provide feelings of belonging and meaning – and we are here to support you and provide them with the tools necessary for success.
The Accelerator program is a unique opportunity to work with a professional team, learn, develop, and create meaningful change in your community. Each selected initiative will receive the tools, knowledge, and support needed to succeed and have a long-term impact.
Opening of registration for entrepreneurs interested in participating in the program.
Selection of program participants by the committee.
Five group Zoom meetings and mentoring sessions.
Participation in the Communities Institute conference in Warsaw.
Project implementation in communities, individual mentoring, and two facilitated peer learning Zoom meetings.
Presentation of the projects carried out as part of the program at a concluding meeting.
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